First Month

Monday, November 20, 2006

Today is my first wedding "monthsary". It is kinda weird to even celebrate it but hey, we are newly weds.

So I slept all day. We both have work tonight and we need to have our clothes pressed and all. So we stayed at home, hung out with Pebbles and Coffee ( our dogs ). Pretty nice day.

Then Kuya Randy called....

He told my wife that his dad had a lockjaw. He was going to be rushed to the hospital.

And then the panic. We got dressed, packed our bags and went off ( with her mom ).

We got there and everything was kinda ok.

Then we went home. Her Dad and her Bro stayed at home and she would watch over them till tomorrow. I went to hell...i mean work

When I got here, they are interviewing the soon-to-be OM of yahoo..

And I have a FEEDBACK session later...

great day...and it is not over yet