It's been a long while since my last entry....
My PC acted up again. It's because we cannot browse some secure sites and I have been trying fix the damn thing. I looked every on the web to fix my prob but it was in vain. Still looking though.
I have just finished reading Angels & Demons by Dan Brown. I read that during the Da Vinci Code fever. I wanted to read something and that's one book I liked reading again. I am still facinated by the Illumiati brands. It looks so cool. The symmetry was brilliant. I don't know if the brands were actually a historical fact or a made thing by the author. Still, it's brilliant. And what is more brilliant is this....

I started playing RF again. I started playing back when it was just starting with LevelUp PH. I grew tired of it coz I had to shell out dough. I was browsing and found a private server that is free. So I downloaded the client and viola, lvl 23 Bellato dude. Hehe, nice...
I'll ping you guys with updates....kinda slow today.....