
Monday, August 18, 2008

Hah! I am back!

Someone commented on this blog and I thought...hey, I like this blog, so I'll Use it again. My apologies to those people going to this blog and finding it empty....

Anyways, what is happening with me...

1. We bought a car last year. A 1996 Mazda Protege Gen 2. That's a 1996 Mazda Familia. We kinda bought it out of the blue since my wife was preggy and I can't imagine myself looking for a cab Monday morning to go to UST. Here she is

2. I have a son. Paul Nathan Trinidad. My God, I can't start on how lucky we are to get a baby boy like him. Anyways check out my multiply site for updates and pictures.

Well those are my new things. Promise I will update this blog from now on...